所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Second hand and rental cars

Second hand and rental cars 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Matthew clarke 接包方 : Rabekodesignstudio 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 109987
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access MySQL PHP Search
发布日期 : 2010-11-21


Hi all,

I need a script for a second hand car web site. Similar to this one.


But I'd like it done with MySQl and PHP

However, I'd like the search page they have here to be an advanced search page. For my index page I just want a simple search box which has car make, car model, year of make range, and price range. I'd also like the car model list to change dynamically dependig on the selection made in the car make list.

Once an advert is clicked I'd like the full advert to open in a 'lightbox' style box, which has four thumbnails, which when clicked will change the large image in the full advert box.

I need admin access so that the site owner can create new advert records, with the option to set an expirey date for the advert. The admin would have the ability to add, edit, and delete records (they wouldn't be automatically deleted, rather the admin would have the option to renew the advert if they wish)

Other then that, I want all the same fields as shown in the example web site above. With the addition of a field which has 'cars for rent'.

I think that's everything, this is the first time I've requested a script so please bare with me if you need more info.

Idealy, I don't want to spend more than $200.00, but can probably stretch to $350.00 if the script is followed with support.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you. Additional Info (Added 11/20/2010 at 13:52 EST)... Oh, I forgot to mention. I will be designing the site myself I just need the script built, which I can easily integrate into my site. Additional Info (Added 11/20/2010 at 14:02 EST)... Oh, I also have a rough layout here for the index page here.

The advanced search page would be the same, but the adverts would stretch over the left and middle column.



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