所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Corporate Branding Material

Corporate Branding Material 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Barbara jones 接包方 : Karta_mobile 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 110999
项目预算 : $500-1,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Logo
发布日期 : 2011-01-24


As part of the Corporate Branding, we are looking for the following

1) Corporate Brochure (Microsoft Word Format / Open to explore other formats)
2) Corporate Presentation Template (Microsoft Word Format)
3) Corporate Presentation Template (Microsoft PowerPoint Format)
4) Corporate Newsletter Template (Microsoft Word Format)
5) Corporate Letter Head (Microsoft Word Format)
6) Corporate Compliment Slips Template (Microsoft Word Format / Open to explore other formats)
7) Corporate Flyer
8) Corporate Case Study Template (Microsoft Word Format)
9) Corporate Business Cards Template.

Few points to note

1) We are an IT Consulting and Solutions company.
2) Not interested in using any images of people anywhere in any of the documents.
3) Any colours chosen should go well with our Logo.
4) White should be the dominant background colour for the Corporate Presentation Template (except for the 1st page). Non-white background colour is preferred for the 1st page / title page. Open to explore other background colours for other documents.
5) Header and Footer size for Corporate Presentation Template should be standard size (to allow us to retain maximum space for the content area).
6) Company Logo is in place and will be shared.
7) Corporate Brochure template should be similar to a Microsoft Word Document. Not interested in Tri-Fold kind of brochure templates.
8) Microsoft Office version should be 2010.


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