所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg SOCIAL IPHONE APP NEEDED

SOCIAL IPHONE APP NEEDED 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Martinez 接包方 : Milon12 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 111350
项目预算 : $1,500-3,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2011-02-16


We are posting this job for the creation of an iphone app. This is a request from a client of ours, so we are looking for the best proposal and value-for-money. The app needs to be totally bug-free and you have to be willing to fix problems if there are issues with the programming.

Please note that this job posting will require the highest confidentiality and you are bound not to divulge details of this job if you are chosen.
Below is a rough outline of what we want the iphone app to do and look like etc. Basically we want to combine the functions of 3 of the most popular apps and also have the content from our site available to both iphone, blackberry and android platforms. The 3 apps are:

1. The velvet rope http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/velvetrope/id349083956?mt=8 (allows people to get on the guest list for clubs, check in, etc)

2. Grindr http://www.grindr.com/Grindr_iPhone_App/Grindr_-Meet_Guys_Near_You_on_your_iPhone.html# (this is an app for gay people to connect etc, but we want to copy the features for straight people)

3. 4 square http://foursquare.com/ ( we want to combine everything with check-ins etc to make the experience fully immersive)

Here is a scenario that we want our iphone app to be able to do:

1. Connect with other locals via our “people” menu option, send private messages, hookup, chat, when you’re at a place-connect with friends also there easily.( I’m at Tao nightclub and check in, I see Tanya is at Tao and ask her if I can buy her a drink. Or I see my friend Stephanie is at Tao and I meet up with her using our app)
2. Check in at “places” to show other people the cool stuff you're doing (allows us to directly market to people that frequent certain venues)
3. Get on the List, Book a Table, hotel, massage, etc ( save people time and hassle)

App needs to have Facebook connect and Twitter sign in. Friend finder from Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and all major web mail clients (Gmail, yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, etc.
App must have a connection to Foursquare and Facebook places, so when you check in on Foursquare or Facebook, it will also check you in on our website.
When signing up for the first time, if you’re already a member of our site, you can use your login or if you’re a first time user, you’ll be prompted to create a new account. It should have forgot password function.

CMS which allows us to update things, broadcast an alert to users around each city we are in reg. special events or offers, that appears every time you open the app.

Needs to have a menu (the tabs along the bottom of the app) with the following: map, people, our site (with links to photos, videos, events from the city), places (with categories like nightclubs, hotels, casinos, shopping, theater, etc. Allow users to create a venue if not there, etc.

There will be a tab along the bottom for check in where users will see the venues near them and easily check in and tag friends with the check in. There will be add venue here so that users can quickly create a venue by just putting in the name and the app will provide the address from their GPS location.

Here are the conditions:

• We will own the code.
• The architecture must allow for future addition of new APIs.
• Depending on your quality of work, we might contact you for further future development of this project since we are looking for a long term relationship with a professional developer / team for this project
• Please send example of your previous iPhone/iPad work
• The source code should be well documented
• The app should support latest iOS functionalities such as multitasking
• The system design should be flexible for easy extension to other mobile OS such as Android and Symbian.

We can share pics and more details with the selected provider.


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