所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg iphone google/location application

iphone google/location application 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Philip wilson 接包方 : Iphonewizard 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 95894
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : PHP iPhone
发布日期 : 2010-01-24


I need a very basic application to run on my iphone and my wife's.  It should do the following:

allow me to specify a particular google profile page that has a person's location information listed. As an example the location info would display as: Tom is in 5555 Anywhere st, someplace, NY, 01423.

It would capture that address and do a lookup on it to get mapping coordinates in Longitude, Latitude.

It would then use the map software on the iphone to show me my current location and the location of the person that it just looked up on Google.

On the bottom of the screen it would display the following data:
Your location: (address of current location)
Google Location: (address of location found on google)
Distance betwen locations: # of miles

The only options on the interface should be the google profile name which is very standard.  Google profiles are written as: http://www.google.com/profiles/NAME   <- I only want to enter the NAME value in the interface.

And there would need to be a refresh button as well.

I will have one additional piece of work which will be valued at $250 if satisfied with this piece.  The second piece of work will be a little add-on but not iphone capable.
The location scraping needs to post the following data to a database:
Location scrapped, time and date of scrape, time at location
That's straight forward enough, but here is the challenging part.  I want it to query the profile every minute, but only capture the entry when the address changes.
As an example...if the first query of the profile showed a location of 123 anywhere ave.  And the 2nd query of the profile showed the same address I wouldn't want it to make a new entry in the database.  It would only make the 2nd entry when it was different.  Finally for the field value of "time at location" it would calculate between the time of the first scrapped location and the 2nd scrapped entry. You would know the time was at the previous location because you wouldn't write a new entry until the location changed.

If you feel you can do all of this work and very quickly I am ready to assign right away.

Please send me any questions and be sure to let me know you fully understand the entire request.  I don't want to have this drag on.



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