智城识别ID 13332
承接项目数 1
好评率 0%
会员 3级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 iPhone iPad


Mzi.dbyrrswt.175x175 75
13 年多前上传

开发周期 : 1 周


Tea, is not just a kind of drink, but also a reflection of life style and culture. It has been developing with the human civilization since its invention and even in turn impacting the human culture. For example the Boston pouring Tea Affair,which Cause the American Revolution, resulted in the United States nowadays, where iPhone was born. So we are gonna to talk about tea on this iPhone. A little piece of tea leaf,the birth of a civilized country.This is right the charm of the tea.this app is one of "Chinese Tea Culture series" authorized by Shandong Science Publisher. We hope to share the traditional culture through the cooperation. Appreciate the tea is like appreciating cultures, history, literature, scenery, and all the life. We sincerely hope that this app can give you a brand new view of the rich Chinese Tea culture.茶, 不只是一种饮料, 更已是一种生活, 一种文化。它自从被人类发现, 就开始伴随人类文明发展, 甚至进而影响人类文明进程, 比如1773年波士顿倾茶事件引发了美国独立战争, 从而有了iPhone的诞生地美国, 然后我们可以在这iPhone上面来谈谈茶。一片小小的茶叶, 一个文明国度的诞生, 这就是茶的魅力。, 本APP是由山东科学技术出版社授权的《中国茶文化系列》中的一本。我们想通过这次合作, 来寻找一个传统文化的传承。品茶, 就是品文化、品历史、品典故、品诗词、品景观、品生活。我们衷心的希望这个APP能给您一个新的纵览中国茶文化的视角。,