智城识别ID 13332
承接项目数 1
好评率 0%
会员 3级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 iPhone iPad


Mzi.jzixpmtb.175x175 75

Appreciation of c... (0P)

13 年多前上传
Tea, is not just a kind of drink, but also a reflection of life style and culture. It has been developing with the human civilization since its invention and even in turn impacting the human cultur...

Mzl.joesqbqc.175x175 75

家庭私房菜HD (0P)

13 年多前上传

Mzl.xglurxrb.175x175 75

Fortune_Cookie (0P)

13 年多前上传
You see a gorgeous woman sitting alone at the bar. You know this is the best chance ever,but you need a great but not cliche opening,like:Do you want some fortune? Have you had your today's fortune...

Mzl.uugstbgb.175x175 75

家庭私房菜 (0P)

13 年多前上传
私房菜, 源于宫廷而流落民间, 逐步融合各地之长, 展现私家风格。私房菜并非意味着精蒸细做鲍鱼和燕窝等高档原料, 而是对白菜、胡萝卜等普通菜品的原创, 开掘出它们的另一种味道。只要有一种别人无法抄袭的味道, 就是值得用心品尝的私房菜。做私房菜, 做的是乐趣、品的是成功。本APP的家庭私房菜, 由知名烹饪大师精心编著而成, 内容力求简便实用, 易学易懂。每道菜品都在用料、制作及特点等方面作了详...

Mzi.dbyrrswt.175x175 75

Appreciation_of_C... (0P)

13 年多前上传
Tea, is not just a kind of drink, but also a reflection of life style and culture. It has been developing with the human civilization since its invention and even in turn impacting the human cultur...