智城识别ID 1692
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 3级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Photoshop UI Design VI Android iPhone iPad


Mzl.niqlsege.175x175 75
大约 13 年前上传

开发周期 : 1 周
项目报价 : ¥500-¥1,000


In this game, the player looks like a seemingly endless of igniting colored bombs, ending with gaining enough scores. The bomb can merge with other similarly-colored bomb, therefore disappears after 2 or more bomb merge. There are 4 main colors of bomb: red, blue, green, and yellow. There are also X-bombs which are brown and like boxes. You must take 3 hits to disintegrate them. The player has a health point that reduces with the passage of time. To keep the health point, the player can collect aid kit that replenish the bomberboy's health by 25%. A life is lost when the player's health point runs out, or if he is squashed by falling bomb. Perhaps you can not find a better experience for PSP。