智城识别ID 20140
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 2级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Java Python UI Design iPhone iPad


Mzl.xxhenmoj.175x175 75
13 年多前上传

开发周期 : 1 周
项目报价 : ¥1,000-¥3,000


上海周家渡—— ◆十亿人次曾在老渡口摆渡,那一个半世纪里。 ◆1930年代—2010年代:这里历经三次城市大变迁,演绎城市化与民生的冲突。 ◆2010年,贫民窟变世博会,令世人瞩目的历程。 百年老渡、老工厂贫民窟、大拆迁、世博园区建设……上海纪实摄影师魏民2004年至2010年六年连续拍摄,以180幅照片与历史档案,展现上海黄浦江边一段史诗……Zhoujiadu(Zhou’s Ferry),Shanghai ◆1 billion passengers had passed the ferry in the past one and a half century. ◆1930s to 2010s:Three large urban change | Interpretation of the conflict between urbanization and the people's livelihood. ◆In 2010, slums were changed into World Expo. | History of attracting world attention ... ... The century-old ferry, old factories and slums,mass relocation and the Expo construction……Documentary photographer Wei Min from 2004 to 2010 has been shooting for six years. This photo album with 180 photos and historical files show a epic on the Huangpu River in Shanghai ... ... -------------------- Main photos 180 Words 20000 Version 2011-2更新了阅读的性能.Increasing the performance of reading.