智城识别ID 23274
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 0级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Application Design SQL SEO ASP iPhone Project Management VoIP Windows Server HTML


12 年多前上传

开发周期 : 1 周
项目报价 : ¥500-¥1,000

custom website design with unique ISHOP developed by asp.net

ECCIC-established in December 2004,a professional designer and provider for various types of webs,especially in e-commerce webs.
We can develop a variety of software, but also provide you with customized service.
Creative and innovative, we bring the most dynamic imagination into our work to fulfill your ideal websites and software.
Or,you can also rent a website from us, our comprehensive range of rent a website solutions are aimed at giving you everything you need to have a successful website.

Chengdu Createinfo Communication Technology Co., Ltd is a major software development provider. Providing a wide range of customized software development services, we specialize in application software development, website design, multimedia design and animation design.
Company software development standard is CIMM3.
Attaching great importance to the cooperation with institutions of higher education, we thereby ensure excellent access to both technology and human resources. Now supported by Sichuan University, University of Electronic Science and Technology, and Chengdu University of Technology, we have also formed long-term cooperative relationships with other technology companies, our municipal government, and business, military, and research institutes. Moreover, we have set up subsidiaries in Chongqing City and Yunnan Province in order to best serve our clients in these areas.

Boasting an efficient organizational structure that includes numerous highly qualified members, 100% of our 50 employees are college graduates. Of these personnel, eight members hold the master's degree, while another five have the doctor's degree.
