智城识别ID 26703
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 1级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Android iPhone Blackberry iPad


Mzl.vbflicrw.175x175 75
大约 13 年前上传

开发周期 : 2 月
项目报价 : ¥1,000-¥3,000

YoYoBrain 5th Grade Math Vocabulary

YoYoBrain Memory Apps speed and improve the otherwise painful process of memorizing facts. Uniquely effective memory workouts combine the simple idea of flashcards with scientific research into how the brain stores and recalls information.The result is a simple, fast process for learning new material, and remembering what you have learned.Invest 10 minutes each day in YoYoBrain workout sessions to power through hundreds of facts and remember them over time.How it works: YoYoBrain’s learning workout sessions break things down for you in easy-to-tackle chunks. Flashcards are shown in your workouts in a rotation of 7 at a time to make sure you see the information frequently enough to remember. Swipe left once you can easily recall the card - this moves that card out of rotation and moves the next 'waiting' flashcard into rotation. When you don't recall the card easily, swipe down to keep the card in rotation. You can fly through cards with maximum efficiency.Personalized review sessions are customized for you each day to make sure you remember what you have learned over time. These daily reviews combine data from your workout history with scientific research and a proprietary algorithm to determine when you need to see a card again. Along with personalized workouts, you get feedback and statistics that show you your progress, your effort and which cards are challenging you the most. The flashcards in this set for fifth grade math terms was compiled from open source resources by our editorial team. The list is based on the state of Texas’ 'TAKS' requirements for fifth graders in math. The app has been tested on actual live fifth graders.