智城识别ID 27103
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 2级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Jme Android iPhone Blackberry Symbian WindowsMobile Bada WindowsPhone7 8


Mzl.qbglivhh.175x175 75
大约 13 年前上传

开发周期 : 1 周
项目报价 : ¥1,000-¥3,000

Due Date Derby

Share the excitement of your good news with friends and family, and invite them to become a part of the adventure of welcoming your new child into the world!Due Date Derby invites your family and friends to estimate whether your expected due date is accurate or not. They will send you their estimates on the following pieces of information: * Baby’s Birth Date * Gender * Birth WeightYou have the option to announce a prize that will be awarded to whomever selects the three answers most accurately (be careful in contemplating a prize – there could be more than one winner! Think twice before thinking of awarding a year of free Sunday dinners, your first born (wait! This may be your first-born!) or a Gazillion Dollars as a prize!)As friends and family member’s guesses are added, you can watch the way the guesses are stacked, on a cute little display graph. And when the big day arrives, you can see who in your family is most psychic, or at least has the best skills of estimation – and then with the simple push of a button, you can let everyone else who participated in Due Date Derby know the answer as well, when you send them the winner’s name, and the actual answers!