智城识别ID 27509
承接项目数 1
好评率 0%
会员 3级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Android iPhone iPad


Mzl.ejijuzqm.175x175 75
接近 13 年前上传

开发周期 : 1 月
项目报价 : ¥15,000-¥20,000

hoF Bar

hoF - China’s First Cocktail-Wine-Dessert Chocolate Lounge. Ever wanted to try dessert wine, paired with hoF’s award winning specialty chocolate and desserts? 是否想试着把 hoF得奖无数的招牌甜品与甜品酒做个配搭,感受甜中带甜的滋味?Download this App to discover the award winning handcrafted hoF’s chocolates, desserts and fine wine selection through the high resolution pictures in this application. Find your nearest hoF location and share your experience with your friends on Sina Weibo.下载hoF的应用程序,通过高清晰图片与简单的介绍,让您更多了解关于我们的巧克力甜点、饮料与葡萄酒,或是我们所提供的礼品。赶紧到最近的hoF分店,或把你的经验发到新浪微博,与其他的hoF粉丝们分享。Also, play the hoF memory game and stand a chance to win your hoF Moment. Prizes include a bottle of Baileys Liqueur, desserts and more!Experience hoF, at your fingertips.同时,你可以参加我们推出的记忆力游戏, 在玩闹的环境下,轻松地赢取我们的甜点与百利爱尔兰酒!For more updates and queries, do visit our Sina Weibo at http://weibo.com/hofbar如果想了解最新动态,请关注我们的新浪微博 “hoFbar”