智城识别ID 27586
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 2级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 MySQL CSS PHP iPhone SOAP Smarty iPad EcShop Discuz HTML


Mzl.urpczdot.175x175 75
大约 12 年前上传

开发周期 : 1 周
项目报价 : ¥500-¥1,000

iLike Baby 123

參加iLike Baby 123, 記錄寶寶最珍貴的得意時刻,贏取豐厚獎品!iPhone/iPad/iPod都可以下載參加。iLike Baby123參加辦法及活動詳情如下:1. 參加登記。以寶寶姓名、歲數以及電郵地址登記成為參加者,系統會發送一封確認電郵通知成功登記。2. 上載相片。上載相片期間,每一位參加者都可以自由地設立然後編輯自己寶寶的相冊,相片可從iPhone/iPad/iPod的camera roll或拍照片馬上上載。 是次賽事屬私人機構主辦,賽事贊助事宜及一切爭議與Apple®無關。Result will be released in iLike Baby 123. Please read Terms & Conditions before joining us in the event. ASK IT LTD remain the final decision for any dispute.Join iLike Baby 123, record the treasurable moments of your baby, enjoy our SPECIAL PRIZE!1. Registration. Simply put in name of baby, age of baby, and e-mail address for confirmation notification, you become the participant of iLike Baby!2. Photo upload. Each participant is free to create and edit the album of your baby with 12 photos. You may either take a photo right away or select one from the camera roll of your iPhone/iPad/iPod. Result will be released in iLike Baby 123. Please read Terms & Conditions before joining us in the event. ASK IT LTD remain the final decision for any dispute.Bugs fixed, Prepare for Voting