智城识别ID 29494
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 2级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Android iPhone Blackberry iPad WindowsPhone7 8 WoPhone LePhone


Mzl.zqtqyoiy.175x175 75
12 年多前上传

开发周期 : 6 月
项目报价 : ¥200,000-¥500,000

Fun With Directions HD

Open a door and see what’s behind it! Give the boy something to eat. He’ll even say “Thanks!” Color a cat with the help of the magic crayon! Push a button and watch the elevator door open-what could be inside? Check it out on YouTube! http://youtu.be/FHjQUomt0ucFun with Directions is a ground-breaking app, designed to provide a fun and engaging way to practice listening, following directions, colors, spatial concepts, auditory memory and auditory processing. From the simplest of directions (“Touch the cat”) to the more complex (“With your orange crayon, color the large one that is a furry pet and likes to chase mice”) your child can grow and learn with this game over time. Colorful, vivid art and animations against a white background combine to create a complete game experience without visual clutter. Sound effects and surprises keep the game engaging! This app is a great choice for a toddler/preschooler, or any young child who would like to practice listening to or reading directions!Included are ten concepts: Give, touch, open, close, top, middle, bottom, push, color, erase.Features include settings for text on/off, (to practice reading vs. listening) selecting specific concepts, and the desired level of play: easy, intermediate, and advanced.An added bonus that is included in this app is the optional “Superstar Direction” which allows additional practice for remembering (“What did you have to do?”) but also expressive language. The child’s response is recorded and played back. Superstar Directions are surprise questions that pop up at random times, but can easily be turned off if desired.Hamaguchi Apps is dedicated to the mission of bringing high-quality apps to the general public and professionals for affordable prices.Developed by Patti Hamaguchi, M.A., CCC-SLP, a noted speech-language pathologist and author of Childhood Speech, Language & Listening Problems: What Every Parent Should Know, as well as books on the treatment of auditory processing disorders.*This app is a big program and sometimes may not download over the air efficiently through a phone connection. In these cases, please download it into iTunes on your computer or through a wireless network, then transfer the app to your iPad by syncing it.To find out more about this app and our other upcoming projects, visit our website: www.hamaguchiapps.comFixed text/voice mismatches, edited text, replaced voice files with sound issues, updated Information page, added text to explain color/erase feature.