智城识别ID 29494
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 2级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Android iPhone Blackberry iPad WindowsPhone7 8 WoPhone LePhone


Mzl.swhbhmwx.175x175 75
12 年多前上传

开发周期 : 6 月
项目报价 : ¥200,000-¥500,000

Realty Agent

Designed specifically for real estate agents and brokers to organize and maintain their contacts, listing inventory, and sales. You will be amazed at how simple yet effective this application is. Features include:★Today page gives you your most current tasks to be completed and allows for your favorite real estate websites to be accessed from the main screen. If a task is overdue, it will appear in red.★Contacts sorted by type (Buyers, Sellers, Agents, etc) with the ability to keep notes on each contact or schedule a reminder for the future. Contact types are all able to be user defined. Email your client directly from the contact page for quick and easy communication!★Listing pages allow maintenance of your listing inventory. Set up a plan for your listings and the app will automatically fill in your pre defined tasks based on schedule that you want. Add a task for this property or email the seller directly from this page. Keep track of activity with the notes section for each listing. When the property sells, it’s a one button push to move it to the sales category.★Sale pages allow you to track your current sales. Input the various vendors for your transaction (Escrow, Title, Attorneys, Inspectors, etc.) for easy communication throughout the deal. Just Like the listing page, you can set up common tasks from the settings page to autofill into your sale tasks. Keep notes for each transaction so you always know what has been done and what needs to be done.★The To Do page allows you to create new tasks that need to be completed. It will populate to the Today Page so you always know your upcoming tasks and appointments.Fixed contact export feature