智城识别ID 42790
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 1级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Android Blackberry


Screen 5
12 年多前上传

开发周期 : 3 月
项目报价 : ¥8,000-¥10,000

TrackN (Android)

Role in the project: Sole developer, responsible for app creation from start to end


TrackN is composed of 2 Android tracking applications (Business and Personal). Tracking is achieved by listening to the device's GPS. The application implements a service that runs in the background, which assures constant location updates (if desired – the service can be stopped/started at any point by user interaction). Special logic is implemented so that the battery usage is brought to a minimum. The user can send SOS alerts and action data (e.g. “I'm in a meeting”, “I'm at shopping” etc) at any point in time. All the data is sent to a server through SOAP. Also, a map screen is available for the user to vie his location on the map. The map screen also displays the positions of all friends within the application. All alerts/positions (breadcrumbs)/user actions can also be viewd/tracked through the web application (www.trackn.me)

When the application is first opened, it checks wether the current user has an active account registered on the server. This brings us to the main differences between the Business and Personal applications. The Business application is intended for business users, so it should send data to a server specific for a certain company (e.g. JohnDoesCompany.trackn.me). So the application checks if the user is active and if it has a special URL assigned.

Screen 5
Trackn screenshot 1
Screen 3
Trackn screenshot 2
Screen 2
Trackn screenshot 3