智城识别ID 57991
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 1级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 MySQL Photoshop Java Oracle Android iPhone Linux Windows Server iPad Objective-C


大约 11 年前上传

开发周期 : 1 年
项目报价 : ¥90,000-¥100,000

hot-mob 后台客户端开发

As a pioneer in mobile marketing, Hotmob offers the lucrative mobile advertising marketplace for advertisers and publishers to discover advertising opportunities on the mobile Internet and monetize their mobile traffic.

Hotmob has built up the first and the largest mobile advertising network in Hong Kong and the Greater China Region. The mobile media network includes top tier social networking media, mobile TV, content provider, media publisher, Internet forum, WiFi service provider, instant messaging service provider, mobile operator, and handset maker. Key network partners include OpenRice Hong Kong 開飯喇, 頭條日報 Headline Daily, AAStocks M-Winner, Hong Kong Commerical Radio Interactive, Metro Radio, Hong Kong Movie 香港電影, JobsDB.com, 星島日報 SingTao Daily, The Standard, 東TOUCH, East Week, ELLE Beauty Club, Y5Zone, Timable, EC Dictionary, YP 1083 (Yellow Pages), 出街 OutStreet, SHKF eMO, Marketing Magazine, ProDriver-Turbo, Hong Kong Photoblog, KeymanSoho, winandmac.com, etc.

Hotmob offers an one stop solution including ads design, planning, implementation, serving, tracking and reporting for mobile publishers and advertisers. Moreover, Hotmob’s ad serving infrastructure can help clients build, manage and measure mobile campaigns across multiple mobile services.

In March 2011, Hotmob entered in a strategic relationship with the global measurement and analytical provider, The Nielsen Company, to launch the first mobile Internet audience measurement service - Mobile Market Intelligence (Mobile MI) in Hong Kong. Nielsen’s Mobile MI provides a third-party, consistent and transparent metric on how Hong Kong consumers use their mobile phones to access the Internet. It helps support the advertising decision of mobile publishers and advertisers who are looking for reliable data and insights, enabling them staying ahead of the rapid technological evolution and being connected with their targeted consumers.
