智城识别ID 63511
承接项目数 6
好评率 50%
会员 4级
总收入 ¥ 9450RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 MySQL Jme C++ Java AJAX ASP CNet CSS JavaScript PHP Struts Apache Oracle Android iPhone Data Entry VoIP C WordPress Windows Server iPad HTML Html5 Cocos2d-x
服务领域 手机APP外包 网站建设 应用软件专区 PC游戏及手机游戏 知识管理 项目管理 监控及直播系统
所属地区 吉林市


Mzm.pbpfwhsl.175x175 75
10 年多前上传

开发周期 : 1 周
项目报价 : ¥500-¥1,000

Pizza Knife 3D

Pizza Knife 3D is free today in association with http://www.DailyAppDream.com. Download the Daily App Dreams App to find out about the other free apps on offer each day!From the same developers as Pizza Fighter, we are releasing a new game!Unlike our previous game, this is a 3D gaming environment.You will be able to slices vegetables and pizzas!Need a fun app to relax and let all your stress out? Look no more! Feel the power at your fingertips! The more you slice the pizza pies, the better! Depending on the size you can cut it into up to 8 pieces! But beware of the traps; you cannot slice the dynamite or any other food if you want to stay aliveBe careful not to let pizzas drop without being sliced!... Extremely addictive!THREE different levels! - We provide amazing graphic/sounds effects✓ Big Knife Mode✓ Classic Mode✓ Arcade Mode- You can upgrade to get a magic wand with special powers!- Cut as many as 8 pizzas/veggies with the same "cut" and you can get combo bonus points.- Options: ✓ 4 different backgrounds✓ Music/Sound FX ON/OFF- Gamecenter Compatibility