智城识别ID 66589
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 1级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 MySQL PHP Perl Apache Nginx SQLite Linux Sina Apps WeiXin Apps


Mzl.ctgulaij.175x175 75
大约 10 年前上传

开发周期 : 1 周
项目报价 : ¥200,000-¥500,000

VIBIN: when you really, really like it

When you come across something you really like, you either save it or share it. You do what we like to call VIBIN it.SAV’IN itTake photos to remember an amazing dish, favorite wine, or a hidden cafe. Link your social accounts to save those thought provoking article, funny video, or whatever your friends are sharing.ORGANIZ’IN itVibin uses a beautiful card interface so it’s really simple to organize your VIBIN cards into decks.SHAR’IN itVibin makes it super easy to share a card or a whole deck of cards with friends, even if they don’t yet use Vibin. VIBIN itSo, what are you wait’in for? Download now to see what’s Vibin!KEY FEATURES- Swipe cards up/down to browse, left to save, and right to share;- Link your Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare accounts to see all updates as cards;- Create your own cards or Capture them from your social feeds and Organize them into decks;- Share cards or decks of cards with your friends even if they don’t use Vibin;At Vibin, we are building the world’s simplest way to use the internet.We’ve completely redesigned the UI so it’s much easier to:- browse what your friends are sharing;- save and share cards as well as decks of cards;- view linked websites directly within Vibin.We keep improving Vibin and hope you’ll keep telling us what to improve.