智城识别ID 73341
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 2级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 1000 RMB
拥有技能 MySQL Photoshop C++ Java Android iPhone Qt iPad Phone Gap Html5


9 年多前上传

开发周期 : 1 周
项目报价 : ¥500-¥1,000

Web App-jquery chart

We have a tool that generates reports with graphs and tables. We now need this massively sexed up to look incredible with JQuery. We want it interactive. All tables and graphical information we would like sortable, hide able and basically jumping out of its JQuery skin. We would ideally like it built using IgniteUI following libraries.
http://www.igniteui.com/getting-started. In the attached there are two HTML reports that we want reworked.

jquery chart