智城识别ID 9925
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 2级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Graphics Photoshop Flash UI Design Cartoon Illustrator Logo VI iPhone iPad


M stj3 webpic 06
大约 14 年前上传


Name:shun Cheng home store of ACTUS
Client: Morita Home
Cycle: 1 ~ 2 weeks
Description: Morita home is a specialized agency of Japan in the high-end consumer brand companies, Li Kang according to Morita home the actual market needs, from attracting more consumers to understand Morita home purchase Morita home products, point of view, in-store appearance designed to follow market and brand characteristics to the Japanese and Chinese furniture style, combined with its build up a, warm elements and China demand Japan's store design, the design not only meet the practical needs of Chinese market, while consumers in shopping at the same time the feeling of some Japanese fashion trend attacks, for being customers.